With 23-year-old big man Nic Claxton entering restricted free agency following his third season in Brooklyn, the organization has a decision to make about how much they value Claxton as a key member of the rotation.
Claxton averaged 8.7 points and 5.6 rebounds in 20.7 minutes per game across 47 games in the regular season. Those averages rose to 10.5 points and 6.3 rebounds per game against the Celtics in the first round of the playoffs.
According to Heavy’s Sean Deveney, an Eastern Conference GM expects the Nets to match offers for Claxton this summer, and could end up paying around $12 million annually.
Via Heavy.com:
“He is not going to get more than a midlevel offer from a team like Charlotte or Chicago, and if that is the case, they’re comfortable matching it. He is restricted, they can match anything another team gives him. He is looking at something like three years, $35 million,” one Eastern Conference general manager told Heavy’s own Sean Deveney.
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